
Planning a funeral

Perhaps you are planning for the future, or maybe you are currently facing the sadness of a bereavement. Whatever your circumstances, we are here to help. 

A funeral service marks the passing of a life. Some deaths are unexpected; others bring sought-after release. Funerals generate many emotions, rekindle memories, and remind us of the fragility of life. A funeral helps us to make sense of life and death. Funerals in the Parish of Cowley may take place at St Francis Church, Hollow Way; at St James Church, Beauchamp Lane, or in one of the Chapels at Oxford Crematorium. 

Some people find planning a funeral difficult, but our Ministry Team will be very glad to help you choose hymns or songs, prayers, suitable Bible Readings and poems to reflect the person whose life is being celebrated.

The funeral service celebrates life in the face of death. It moves from earth to heaven; from the greeting at the door, to remembering the life of the person who has died, to committing them into God's care. It offers hope in the midst of grief. 

Some deaths will be especially traumatic, distressing or unexpected. The Church offers special funerals for children, or after sudden or violent deaths, including suicide. Please talk to one of our Ministry Team about what is possible. We are here to help you. 

Please call the Parish Office on 01865 747680 if you would like to speak with someone about a funeral and how we can help. 

If is an urgent matter call The Rectory on 01865 778596

Memorials and ashes areas 

St James Churchyard Goodwin Memorial Garden

We are thankful for our churchyard at St James. It has served the community of Cowley for hundreds of years. It is only a small area, and is largely full, but we are able to offer space for the interment of cremated ashes. These are released directly into the soil in the Goodwin Memorial Garden, a circle of stones in the north side of the churchyard. The stones that form the circle each have space to engrave the name and key data for six people. Each inscription may include up to two lines of twenty-three characters. We work with Reeves Memorials, 47A Magdalen Rd, Oxford, OX4 1RL

Application for addition of a name to a memorial stone

How do you get a name added to one of the memorial stones? 

First contact the Rector and complete this electronic form. You will automatically receive an email copy of the details. 

Costs are calculated as follows: