
Welcome to the Parish of Cowley : 

Working to bring life in fullness to all who live, work and study in Cowley and the local area

As part of the Cowley Christian community we are here to serve the community as a whole - children and older people, students and workers, believers and those who are searching. We would love to meet you and hear how your journey in life might meet ours. 

Use the  buttons below to get quick information about:


(if you are missing a link it may be in one of the tabs at the top of the page)


New website

We are developing a new web site. Why not have a look and pass thoughts and  comments onto Geoff? Click here

Powwer House
Little Stars
Open the Book

Meeting 6th Sept Starting Discipleship explored 13th Sept

First Saturday Cafe
Cowley M&S Calender


Events - Wednesday, April 19, 2023

 Click here for Daily Bible readings and reflections


Get the Everyday Faith app for android

Get Linked-up

The Parish Link gives you all the news for the current week together with the Bible Readings and a special prayer for this week. Just click on the Link or Bible icons below.

 Weekly Notice Sheet         Weekly Readings sheet

Feature 1: Parish Worship from Weekdays and Sundays


Link to You tube

Click here for an audio only version

Feature 2: Edward Bear Club 

Link to You tube

Feature 3: National Church


Feature 4: Hymns we sing

Link to open this playlist in You tube

Our 'YouTube Channel'


Link to our play lists Click here 
Link to a recent youtube playlist:  Click Here

 Open the Book and School Assemblies 
(link to you tube version)


Anglican Asian Living Church

Link to Youtube

Bishop Steven Croft visits Anglican Asian Living Church

 The Anglican Asian Church Youth Choir 


- a journey which for most of us is life-long.